When arriving to Cancun International Airport, there are several things you should consider while being there, in order not to have any disgusting surprise during your vacations. We have set up for you a list of these aspects to consider upon your arrival.

Always have your passport in-handy, as you will walk through several filters which may ask for it. Keep it safe and on watch, could be either in your pocket or in your purse.

Migration Form: One of the most important things to consider at Cancun Airport. This form is a little piece of paper which is mostly kept inside the passport for security reasons. It has to be sealed and filled with the correct information (i.e. name, passport number, birth date, airline, flight number). If you find any incongurence or that is missing the seal, ask to the stewardess or Migration Agents to correct it inmediatly. This will help you evade any future troubles. It is really imporant not to loose this document, as you would have to pay around 25 USD if it happens. How to identify this form? The stewardess should give it to you during your flight to fill the missing information. It is a piece of paper with some green and red colors and the mexican National Inmigration Institute logo. The seal you require from Migration Agents has the form of a plane.

Next step is to claim your luggage. Once you have picked it up, check its status just to make sure everything is ok.

You can always consider using ATMs if you want to pay or tip in mexican pesos.
Related post: What to do if you are in the wrong terminal in Cancun Airport?

Done this, you are ready to go! Get to the welcome bar and look for Cancun Airport Transportation staff. They will be wearing gray polo shirts and holding a sign with the logo of the company. We are always ready to take you to your destination, no matter what time it is.

Fine, you are just ready to enjoy vacations as you never had. Welcome to paradise!

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Things to consider upon arrival and How to get transportation in Cancun Airport
- Keep passport in-handy
You will walk through several filters which may ask for it. Keep it safe and on watch, could be either in your pocket or in your purse.
- Get the Migration Form
One of the most important things to consider at Cancun Airport. This form is a little piece of paper which is mostly kept inside the passport for security reasons. It has to be sealed and filled with the correct information (i.e. name, passport number, birth date, airline, flight number). If you find any incongurence or that is missing the seal, ask to the stewardess or Migration Agents to correct it inmediatly. This will help you evade any future troubles. It is really imporant not to loose this document, as you would have to pay around 25 USD if it happens. How to identify this form? The stewardess should give it to you during your flight to fill the missing information. It is a piece of paper with some green and red colors and the mexican National Inmigration Institute logo. The seal you require from Migration Agents has the form of a plane.
- Claim your luggage
Once you have picked it up, check its status just to make sure everything is ok.
- Consider using ATMs
If you want to pay or tip in mexican pesos.
- Find your driver
Get to the welcome bar and look for your transportation company.