Two lanes enabled on the main road (Cancun – Riviera Maya)

Recently, FONATUR, the dependency in charge of tourism development in Mexico, enabled two lanes on the main road connecting Cancun with Riviera Maya destinations beyond Puerto Morelos due to a collapsed underground cavern. Thanks to the temporary solution provided by the SCT (“Secretaría de Comunicación y Transporte”, Spanish for Communication and Transport Secretary) the traffic will, hopefully, be drastically reduced from now on.

Cars passing through enabled lanes
Enabled lanes. Image via Luces Del Siglo

Relapsed damage

There was discussion about which dependency would have to be in charge of the repairment, as the damaged zone is part of a Federal Highway. After months of discussion, a temporary solution was provided and proper soil studies are being carried away so the damage won’t repeat, as it is relapsed damage first seen in 2015.

The importance of the road pushed local authorities to make a temporary solution and fill the collapsed area, as it was already done after 2015’s collapse. However, soil experts working in the repairment say soil is karstic as in the rest of the Yucatan peninsula and a long-term solution must be provided.

Civil Protection officer looking at road damage in Cancun - Riviera Maya road
image via BalamNews

It is worth mentioning that the upcoming “Mayan Train” is planned to pass on this same area. Experts emphasize the importance of deep studies in both solutions and environmental repercussions, as underground caverns extended along the Yucatan peninsula are believed the be completely interconnected.

The seriousness on this matter was taken after a letter sent by the AMAV (Asociación Mexicana de Agencias de Viajes, Spanish for Mexican Association of Travel Agencies) to the corresponding dependency, which seems to have accomplished its mission.

Two new enabled lanes, six upcoming circuits

It is estimated for the end of August for at least 6 new alternate circuits to be built, so traffic won’t be affected by the proper repairment works carried away in this main road.

Inhabitants feel optimistic about these works and how will the two enabled lanes will help reduce the transportation time among their workplace, tourist destinations, and the Cancun Airport.

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